Project; Happiness…Community Mandala….

It was around this time last year- (gosh that seems a long time ago), it was snowing… I facilitated a workshop with the children from Belmont Primary School, near Bolton. I thought their designs were fantastic and could not believe how creative they were….

I worked with just over sixty children from Belmont Primary and each produced a leaf design. Their designs appear in gold and have been etched into a thin plastic to create the central part of the mandala.

This piece was supposed to be exhibited last summer, but for COVID reasons had to be cancelled….I still plan to exhibit it outside and hopefully it will tour around the schools and community centres who have been involved in the project.



A photo of their original designs from last January…


then their wonderful designs were put into a computer, so they could be laser cut and engraved.Untitled-1click her to see a video of the central mandala coming together. I will post more images of the Mandala in the next few days.